Category: Food

Pizza and the Dog

gderekadams: emerson was out of food, so i gave him a slice of pizza


Abe Schoener’s Wine

The man who made this wine, Abe Schoener, used to teach college students ancient philosophy. Now, after a midlife career change, he runs the Scholium Project, a winery rooted in the philosophical believe that only be experimenting at the precipice of disaster can we challenge our understanding of what wines can be--and create new ones. So while most of the wine industry sits on its hands, constrained by orthodoxy and the bottom line, Schoener, forty-nine, explores the outer limits of each wine's microbiological potential.
-Robert Willey in Esquire Dec. 2010 

Sir, I would like to try your wine.

Universal Cake

me:  wait wait wait
Carina did not receive your chat.
me:  are you telling me in your darkest hour
Carina did not receive your chat.
me:  that the universe sent you cake?!?!?

Garlic with the will to LIVE

The garlic in our kitchen sprouted.

So I planted it!

Now it’s safe and cozy under the big tree in our backyard.

Victoria’s Chocolates

This entry is long past due, but every year around Easter time, I make sure to order some chocolates from Victoria’s Candy in Hazleton, PA. The day these chocolates come in the mail is about 10x better than Easter holiday.

My father grew up in Hazleton, so these chocolates are a family tradition. I typically order the peanut butter filled chocolate eggs–think Reeces Peanut Butter Cups, but better.

And look at the adorable wrapping paper they ship the candy in.